Nose (Hidung)


In anatomy, the nose is a protrusion of the vertebrates that contain nostril, which filters the air for breathing. Nose as a term, can also be used to indicate the end of something, such as the nose on an airplane.

A human nose
1.1 The smell something
1.2 Diseases of the nose

Nose human

The nose is the most prominent on the face, which serves breathing air, air filters, breathing air warms, it also plays a role in resonant voice.
The nose is the human sensory organs that respond to stimuli in the form of odor or chemical substances that form in the nasal cavity contained gas.di nerve fibers of taste or smell that comes with smell cells. Each cell has a smell fine hairs (cilia olfactory) at the ends and covered by mucous membrane that serves as a moisturizing the nasal cavity.

The smell something
At the moment we breathe, chemicals in the form of gas come into our noses. chemical substance which is the source of the smell of the mucous membrane will be dissolved, and then will stimulate the tiny hairs on the cells of taste or smell. excitatory cells will forward this smell to the brain and will be processed so that we can know the type of odor from these chemicals.

Diseases of the nose
Disorders of the nose is usually caused by inflammation or a cold sore that produces mucus or snot that prevents odor smell reaches nerve endings. Other disorders can also be caused by dirt on the nose and nostrils too much. We should always clean the nose of dirt and smoothed his feathers so that our olfactory is not disturbed.